Swedish roundwood prices soar by 30% in 2024

ByForest Machine Magazine

4 February, 2025
Swedish Roundwood

In 2024 the Swedish roundwood prices on delivery timber increased for sawlogs by 30 percent and the price of pulpwood increased by 18 percent compared to 2023. Roundwood prices rose across all regions. This is based on the Swedish Forest Agency’s statistics on roundwood prices for delivery timber.

Swedish roundwood prices soar by 30% and pulp wood prices soar by 18% in 2024

The annual average price for sawlogs of pine and spruce increased nationwide by 30 percent in 2024 compared to 2023. The largest increase was in Svealand, where sawlog prices rose by 34 percent, and the smallest increase in Norra Norrland, where prices rose by 12 percent.

The average price for pulpwood of coniferous and broad-leaved trees increased by 18 percent in 2024 compared to 2023. Pulpwood prices rose most in Götaland, with a 19 percent increase, and least in Norra Norrland, with a 10 percent increase.

The harvested volumes forming the basis for the statistics represents timber volumes sold as delivery timber. These volumes have decreased by more than half over the past 20 years, both for sawlogs and pulpwood. Delivery timber constitutes a small share of the total timber sales. The total volume of sawlogs and pulpwood in the 2024 statistics amounted to just over 2 million cubic meters solid volume under bark.

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Increases continued even in the fourth quarter
Along with the new annual statistics for 2024, data for the fourth quarter of 2024 is also presented. As in the third quarter of 2024, delivery timber prices for both sawlogs and pulpwood continued to rise. Overall, the price of sawlogs increased by nearly 8 percent in the fourth quarter compared to the third quarter of 2024. The largest increase in sawlog prices was in Götaland, at 11 percent, while the increase in Södra Norrland was just under 7 percent. In Svealand, sawlog prices rose by 2 percent, while they remained unchanged in Norra Norrland.

Overall, pulpwood prices increased by 5 percent nationwide in the fourth quarter compared to the third quarter of 2024.

Changes in categories for Pulpwood
As of the first quarter of 2024 pulpwood prices are reported in the categories: Pulpwood of coniferous trees, Pulpwood of broad-leaved trees, and Pulpwood total. This change combines the previously reported categories Pulpwood of Conifers and Pulpwood of Norway Spruce and expands the previous category of Pulpwood of Birch to include pulpwood from other broad-leaved trees. Additionally, certain changes have been made to the underlying calculations. The impact on the price in SEK per solid cubic meter solid under bark has been minor.

Delivery timber refers to a delivery method where the forest owner, either personally or with the help of employees or contractors, delivers the timber to a roadside. Delivery timber is estimated to account for less than 10 percent of total sold quantity.

Average prices are volume-weighted roundwood quantities, presented in current prices without adjustments for inflation.
The statistics are part of Sweden’s official statistics.

: skogsstyrelsen.se

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