Forest Machine Magazine is now a FREE bi-monthly publication, just pay p&p to have a copy delivered direct to your door. Your 2 Year Subscription will start with the latest issue. 6 Issues per year. Delivery months from: 25th February, 25th April, 25th June, 25th August, 25th October and 25th December.
Forest Machine Magazine is owned, written and edited by a forest professional with over 40 years hands on experience. At Forest Machine Magazine we cover all aspects of the forest industry from ground preparation, road building, planting, harvesting, extraction, haulage, saw-milling, health and safety, through to the end product. We visit harvesting sites, contractors, hauliers, and timber processing plants to keep abreast of all the latest news and technology. We carry out product testing of the latest accessories and equipment to improve workers safety and we offer honest and unbiased reviews from professionals working in the industry. Our team of professional operators have tried out the latest harvesting equipment for leading forestry manufacturers.
We run a competition for the best photo, to use for the cover of the magazine, with a £100 Amazon voucher for the winner. We will also feature a gallery of selected photos in the magaine. The competition will usually run on Facebook and Instagram, but fo those who don’t have a social media account you can send your photo via email to or WhatsApp +44 (0) 7582 055 748. Deadline dates are 31st March, 31st May, 31st July, 30th September and 30th November.
Subscribe to Forest Machine Magazine’s Free bi-monthly magazine or digital magazine to follow the latest news and stories from the people and companies working at the heart of the forest industry. We offer a young loggers page to engage and encourage the next generation of forestry workers.
The website, magazine and emag feature a large free classified section where forest professionals and companies can list used and surplus equipment for sale. We list all the latest forestry jobs from around the world.
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