Check out what’s coming up in our latest issue

ByForest Machine Magazine

15 January, 2021

Our first issue of the year is off to the printers and should be arriving on your doorstep very soon.

We might be in a Covid-19 lockdown situation but that doesn’t prevent us finding some great features to brighten up your day and keep you entertained.

Here are just some of the features in the upcoming edition

We take a totally new approach to finding out about forestry equipment from our new reporter, Anthony Carr who is an experienced harvester operator himself. Instead of listing the facts and figures that can be easily found on websites he has spent time interviewing individual operators with some hard hitting questions to get their perspective on the equipment that they operate

Stihl’s MS 881, the world’s most powerful production chainsaw, has replaced its predecessor the MS 880. Find out what improvements have been made to this professional high performance saw.

Read about  Arto Vuorijärvi’s specially adapted Rottne F12 with 400 tonne pull rear mounted hydraulic winch. He is on permanent standby and ready to set off at a moment’s notice to help recover bogged equipment from anywhere in Finland. Thanks to Tero Nurmi for this article.

We caught up with RGL Forestry, a ground clearance and engineering company based in Moffat who have over 30 years experience in the industry. They have developed specially built equipment for clearing scrub, gorse, whole trees and brash capable of working effectively on all types of terrain. Their Bog-master, ultra low ground pressure flotation tracked equipment has been specifically designed for clearing re-generation and windblown trees in extremely soft and boggy ground conditions.

RGL’s fully equipped engineering workshop offer customers a repair service and a modification and customised building  for equipment used for mechanical tree clearance, forestry harvesting applications, pipeline plant, and agriculture. They can modify your machine to run any type of attachment from a Mulcher, Hydraulic Thumb, Shear grab, harvesting head to a Skyline.

I got the opportunity to see firsthand a 15 tonne capacity forwarder trailer from Polish manufacturer Fao Far. This trailer had been supplied to the customer by the UK distributers, Clark Engineering at Parkgate near Dumfries, and was fitted with a Cranab EH7 loading crane.

Luke Hemming is a woodland officer with Forestry Commission England covering Yorkshire and the North East and he offers his thoughts on a harvesting operation that had taken place on his patch.

Also featured in this issue is TMK’s new MultiGrab, the Ford Ranger Thunder and includes all the current industry news and latest equipment releases.

Palfinger A3 Poster
A free A3 Action Poster of a WF Trac with an Epsilon Palfinger S110R crane is included with this issue

To purchase a copy or to subscribe please go to latest issue

Forest Machine Magazine is written and edited by a forest professional with over 40 years hands on experience. We are dedicated to keeping you informed with all the latest news, views and reviews from our industry.

To support us you can subscribe to our bi-monthly magazine which is delivered to your door from only £30 per year.

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