Finnish and Swedish forest machine sales increased in 2023

ByForest Machine Magazine

22nd May 2024
forest machine

Ponsse confirmed its number one position in Finnish forest machine sales


Last year, the number of first registrations of forest machines increased from the previous year.

Forest machine sales accelerated last year, and so did machine registrations. A total of 640 forest machines were first registered, which is 145 more than in the previous year, Traficom’s statistics show. The statistics include machines with an unladen mass of at least eight tonnes.

Slightly over one-half of the registered machines were harvesters and slightly under one-half forwarders.

As usual, Ponsse took the number one spot. A total of 351 machines from the Vieremä manufacturer were registered, which is more than half of the year’s registrations. Compared to the previous year, the number increased by nearly 90 machines. The most popular model was the forwarder Buffalo. A total of 80 of them were registered.

In second place was also John Deere, as usual. A total of 165 Deere machines were first registered. The growth from the previous year was just under 30 machines. The most popular model was the 1170G harvester.

SignFirst registrations 2023First registrations 2022
John Deere175137
Sampo Rosenlew1516
Eco Log1
(Source Metsalehti)


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The third place was taken by Komatsu, whose registrations rose to 88. The growth from the previous year amounted to 16 machines. The most popular were the 901 and 931 harvesters, of which 12 were registered each.

A total of 14 Logset machines were registered. 11 of them were forwarders and 3 harvesters. A total of 15 Sampo-Rosenlew machines and two Nisula harvesters were registered. In addition, one Entracon EF75 forwarder and one Eco Log harvester were registered.

The year before last, one Jarcrac and Rottne forwarder was also registered. Last year, machines from these manufacturers were not registered.

The most popular harvesters
SignRegistrations 2023
Ponsse Scorpion King59
Ponsse Scorpion King56
John Deere 1170G43
John Deere 1270G32
Ponsse Cobra32
(Source Metsalehti)

Traficom’s forest machine statistics are not comprehensive, as not all forest machines are registered. Typically, larger manufacturers register their machines, for smaller manufacturers it is not so important.

For example, Prosilva’s machines are not found in the statistics. Machines were also sold to Finland last year, but the company does not reveal more detailed figures.


Large manufacturers and heavy-duty machines are thriving in the Swedish forest machine market

Last year was a good time for forest machine dealers in Sweden. Sales of forwarders increased by more than 50 per cent from the previous year and rose to more than 400 machines sold.

John Deere, the overwhelming number one in the market, also held the top position last year and increased its market share slightly. However, the relatively bigger leap was taken by its worst competitor, Komatsu, which increased its sales the most.

Ponsse retained third place in the forwarder series for its western neighbour, but the pace of the Vieremä company cannot hold up to the pace of the top two. It increased its machinery sales, but lost some market share.

Other Finnish machine manufacturers can be found at the bottom of the sales lists. Both Logset and Sampo sold four machines to Sweden last year, as they lose about one per cent of the forwarder market in their western neighbour.

The number one in the registration statistics is John Deere’s 1510 G, followed by a backlog of heavy-duty forwarders, followed by the Komatsu 895 in second place and John Deere 1910 G in third.

Ponsse retained third place in the forwarder series for its western neighbour, but the pace of the Vieremä company cannot hold up to the pace of the top two. It increased its machinery sales, but lost some market share.

Other Finnish machine manufacturers can be found at the bottom of the sales lists. Both Logset and Sampo sold four machines to Sweden last year, as they lose about one per cent of the forwarder market in their western neighbour.

The number one in the registration statistics is John Deere’s 1510 G, followed by a backlog of heavy-duty forwarders, followed by the Komatsu 895 in second place and John Deere 1910 G in third.

Ponsse’s sales also feature heavyweights. The perennial favourite Buffalo is still number one, but after that the best-selling models are the Ponsse Elephant King and Mammoth models.

Forwarder registrations in Sweden in 2023

SignRegistrations 2023Market share, %
John Deere16838,0
(Source: Skogsforum)

Terri number one for the little ones

Sales of small forest machines have not kept pace with large machines, but the sales volume of machines, 34, decreased by five machines from the previous year. In all, small machines accounted for close on eight per cent of all forwarders sold.

First place was Terri 34. In second place was the Malwa 560, also sold in Finland. However, it has lost market year after year – last year only eight were sold, just a couple of years ago it sold 15.

The third small machine is Vimek, manufactured in northern Sweden, with six new 870 NG forwarders registered.

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