Rottne Industri introduces new warranty


“It takes us to a leading position in the industry”

Rottne Industri AB introduces new warranty terms for its newly produced forestry machines.
– It is about taking responsibility, as well as giving extra purchasing security for our customers, says Arne Isaksson, Sales and Marketing Manager at the company.

Behind the new Rottne warranty terms lies a thorough and comprehensive work that the company has taken in a few years. Developing and improving the company’s forwarders and harvesters is an ongoing work that is done daily in the company walls. Hard work, together with the Swedish strive for maximal effectiveness, has now resulted in the warranty standard reaching a whole new level.
– We simply want to erase the possible disruptions in operations that our customers may be exposed to, says Arne Isaksson.
– Behind our new warranty is a general effort to increase quality. A lot of time and energy has been put into securing our manufacturing processes.

The new basic warranty foresees that Rottne Industri replaces for free of charge the machine parts that break down due to manufacturing or material defects up to 3,000 working hours.
– Previously, the warranty was 2,000 hours for the parts themselves and up to 1,000 hours for the work, so it is a significant improvement, says Arne Isaksson and continues:
– Now we compensate the machine owner for the work it takes to change the part up to 3,000 hours. We are also responsible for the travel cost for the service technician, up to 300 km per warranty case, until the machine has worked for 500 hours.

In addition to an improved warranty on parts, labor costs and travel, Rottne Industri also covers the first service, which is done after 100 working hours.
– When a customer buys a new machine, we cover the labor cost of the service technician. The first service sometimes discovers things that need to be readjusted and the customer should not pay for it.

Rottne Industri’s improvements mean that the company’s machines leave the assembly halls with a basic warranty that is among the best in the entire industry.
– Our machines are of a really high class, something we are very proud of. Therefore, the warranty must also be of the same class, says Arne Isaksson.
– Smålanders (people who live in the region of Småland, Sweden) are stubborn and have always strived for improvements and growth. This is how we work at Rottne Industri.

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