Komatsu Photo Contest

ByForest Machine Magazine

6th January 2021
Komatsu Forest

The Komatsu photo contest has ended. Many thanks to you who have produced a huge amount of photographic material for use on an appropriate occasion in the last couple of years! December 2020 was therefore the last opportunity to compete in the skills of photography. At the end of the day, some kind of peak in quality and competence was experienced: fine colours and the winter everyday life of the work area, described with skill.

Tuomo Väyrynen’s colour-cold site image from the north was chosen as the winner. It is a photographic praise of his home region; the brief, blazing moment is guaranteed to remain in the viewer’s consciousness even after the greyness of the polar night has descended. Tuomo has been one of the most active photographers, he is the winner for the whole of 2019, with a picture with elements similar to those now chosen as number one. What happens to Tuomon now that the picture of the year is selected?
Second Place:

2nd Prize
Heikki Viitanen

Heikki Viitanen from Keuruu snatched a cannon landscape from Saariselkä, which draws sharply against the browning

Third Prize
Joni Kuha

And third place: Joni Kuha from Lieksa has chosen the moment when the lights on his Komatsu forwarder machine draw a beautiful symmetrical pattern around her.
The picture of the year will be selected with a larger configuration during
January. The result is multiplied on the website immediately after the selection.

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