
Reuseabox helps companies reduce their impact on the environment by making it easy to reuse cardboard boxes

Reuseabox diverts used cardboard boxes away from traditional recycling and places them back into the supply chain for a second use. Reuseabox helps companies who are either looking to sell their used cardboard or looking to buy second hand boxes.

How it Works

Traditionally cardboard boxes are manufactured, used once and then recycled back into more cardboard boxes. The problem is that the process of recycling cardboard requires vast amounts of energy and water and produces large volumes of CO2 emissions. Plus cardboard cannot be recycled infinitely. Each time it is recycled, the fibres are stretched which affects the quality. Recycling will always be necessary for boxes that can no longer be used and it is a sensible way of reprocessing unwanted packaging thus preventing huge volumes going to landfill.

Reuseabox buys used cardboard boxes from companies who would otherwise have disposed of them. After collection the boxes are sorted and inspected by the warehouse team. The boxes go through a strict inspection process before they are sorted, re-packed and made available for re-sale. All used cardboard boxes are clean, dry and perfectly reusable. Those that do not make the grade are recycled locally. Once this is done the boxes are sold on to companies who would originally have bought brand new ones.

By prolonging the life of cardboard boxes, Reuseabox keeps cardboard in use for longer, reduces waste while protecting our natural resources.

Using used cardboard boxes offers a cost effective way of packaging your products. Reuseabox also supplies brand new cardboard boxes that are surplus to original requirements. These include factory overruns or misprints. Purchasing used or new surplus boxes could save you up to 50% off your packaging costs when compared to a manufacturer. Even better, there are no lead times as Reuseabox holds large volumes of their entire range in stock.


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