
ByForest Machine Magazine

3rd August 2022
Various Harvesting Methods


Harvesting is a general term for cutting, processing, and extracting timber from stump to roadside ready for transporting to wood processing plants. Managed harvesting systems do not in any way resemble the devastation caused by illegal or unmanaged logging systems. Logging practices vary from large-scale commercial timber plantations to individuals harvesting fuelwood.

“As long as there are human beings on this planet, there will be a demand for wood, pulp, and other forest resources, and there will be businesses that endeavour to meet that demand. The only realistic way to conserve our forests is to apply sustainable forest management practices.” Rainforest Alliance

Diseased larch trees to be felled at forest in Gwynedd

Diseased larch trees to be felled at forest in Gwynedd Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is due to start work to

The Forest – A Place To Relax & Work

This is exactly how forest professional and hunter Robert Brunnauer describes the forest habitat. Harvesting timber means you’re out working

Pm Trac Generation 38 

Pm Trac Generation 38 – The innovative system tractor With the presentation of the Pm Trac system tractor at the

Logging a legacy in California

Moonlight drives and a picnic in the woods: Logging a legacy in California “I hate logging,” said Robert D’Agostini Jr.,

Kieran Anders Forestry

Logging in the lakes Kieran Anders is a forestry contractor working in the lake district. His work involves hand cutting

In their blood: Logging’s a tradition for this business-minded Georgia family

When his alarm goes off at 4 a.m., Charles Hill is ready to take on the day. “It’s always a

Ash Dieback: Deadwood removal with tree care handler 718 E

Bald spots to dead roots: ash dieback is causing numerous, challenging operations in the field of tree felling and traffic

Why woodland management matters

Chris Watson is a Woodland Resilience Advisor for the Forestry Commission. In this blog post he’ll be exploring the different

ProSilva relies on customers for development

ProSilva constantly engages in product development to refine its machines for enhanced durability, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency. In this effort, ProSilva’s

KESLA multipurpose concept with fire-extinguishing trailer

Finnish company Kesla Oyj is well known for its forestry machinery, timber loading and city cranes, as well as tractor

The ideas behind the new Komatsu 951XC

The Komatsu 951XC is a final logging specialist and the third addition to Komatsu’s eight wheeled harvester range. Demand for an

Jim Wilmer & Sons Timber Harvesting

Jim Wilmer & Sons. It’s not an easy road ahead, timber harvesting and traffic management While driving to a meeting

Launching Komatsu 951XC

The Komatsu 951XC is a new harvester for final logging in steep terrain and on soft ground. The eight-wheel design,

Mellis Forestry Contractor: Thinnings done right

Euan Mellis of Mellis Forestry Contractor offers his customers a sensitive and low impact solution for the harvesting of thinnings.

John Deere Improves Logging Technology

John Deere is further improving logging productivity and easy operating with new technological solutions for forwarders, including the new Intelligent

Forest Machine Magazine is written, owned and edited by a forest professional with over 40 years hands on experience. That’s what makes our magazine one of the leading publications in the industry.

We cover all aspects of forestry, from ground preparation through to the end product. Visiting sites, contractors, hauliers, and timber processing plants keeps us abreast of all the latest news and technology. Our team of professional operators carry out product testing of the latest accessories and equipment to improve workers safety and offer honest and unbiased reviews.

Forest Machine Magazine: The Free publication for the forest industry.

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